Monday, January 29, 2018


Our January STEM activity tasted delicious.

Our mission was to find out how many different combinations of hot chocolate could we make using 3 different flavors.
White Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, and Milk Chocolate
3 different toppings
Whip Cream, Mini Marshmallows, and Large Marshmallows
2 different sprinkles
Candy Sprinkles or Cinnamon
We worked with a partner finding the total number of ways a person could build a cup of hot chocolate with pictures. 
We were having so much fun recording our findings, but we had to stop and enjoy a "real" cup of the hot stuff!  
We could add real mini marshmallow and whip cream to our own cup of the good stuff.

Farm Bureau visit in January

Our visits with Kim Douglas from Farm Bureau are always enjoyable.  This time she read, "Tops and Bottoms."
This book taught that we eat certain foods that are roots, other garden foods we eat are stems, leaves, and flowers.
We made a cute craft.

Monday, January 8, 2018


Every second grader met their AR goal for the second nine weeks and enjoyed our party.
We had the most fun eating cookies, drinking juice, and playing a variety of game board games.


Once again we had a visit with the Bug Lady.  She brought with her many fun, exciting, and scary creatures.  As she brought out each critter she told facts about each animal.
Here are some pictures!  YES there is a SNAKE!!!  We were allowed to touch or pet each animal if she said it was safe.

Candy Cane Fun

Candy Cane
We had a great time eating candy canes during the month of December but we also had fun doing science experiments.  
One of our experiments was dissolving candy canes in various types of liquids to see which would dissolve the candy quicker.  We used water, vinegar, lemon juice, cooking oil, 7-Up, and sugar water.  It was exciting to see which dissolved quicker.  Cooking oil did nothing to the candy cane!  The 7-Up was the winner dissolving the candy the quickest.  
The second experiment we tried was to see if we could get a candy canes to fizz or erupt.  We all made a prediction whether the candy would blow up and erupt or fizz.
You should have seen the kids eyes pop out and hear their squeals as the candy cane fizzed.
Here are some pictures.