Each month Kim Douglas, with Farm Bureau, will be coming to our second grade classrooms. She first started teaching us about ranch and farm life with our field trip to the ranch. After such a wonderful day at the ranch, she wanted to visit and tell about crops that Kansas grows. During the month of October her visit was reading the book, "Who Grew My Soup!" Each month she will focus on different crops that Kansas grows that could be in our soup.
The November visit also brought Carol Ann Flock to our classroom with the story about pumpkins.
The book told of the history of pumpkins through the years. Pumpkins have lots of good nutrients that are good for our bodies.
The story told of three foods that are nicknamed "Three Sister Foods." Those foods were grown and eaten by the Pilgrims. Pumpkins, beans, and corn are the Three Sister foods.
Kim and Carol Ann finished their visit with giving us roasted pumpkin seeds to eat.
Wonder what fun Kim will bring when she visits in December?
What part of the soup will we learn about next?